Hi everybody today we’re going to talk about what foods NOT to eat on keto. I know it looks like it’s a lot right. Well, it’s there for a reason, and we want to make sure your journey is successful.

So there’s some stuff that would sabotage your journey and really ruin your ability to get into ketosis and lose the weight. So let’s identify the obvious right. Let’s just start with the whole culprit itself.

Sugars. This is a given. You know there is brown sugar, white sugar, powdered sugar, added sugar to foods. This is a given, we want to eliminate that. But what about this one, I’ve had people ask me what about jams and preserves.

They say “I like a little jelly in the morning with my toast” and I say hold on right there, first of all, jelly and toast, we are not doing it that way! And by the way, there are ways in which you can enjoy your breakfast and the way that you like it without the added sugars, you can make your own keto friendly bread and add butter to it.

So we’re going to talk about that stuff in another post, but I want you to cut out the stuff that’s in your pantry, in your refrigerator. Take a look at it. You don’t have to take my word for it. Take it out of the refrigerator or a pantry turn it over, look at the ingredient label. Look at the nutrition label! Look at the total number of carbs that’s in that and then read the ingredients find the hidden sugars in it. You make the decision of whether or not those jams or preserves, are they really worth it? and don’t just do it for those Jams and preserves!

Do it for the salad dressings right, and then we have the obvious high fructose corn syrup, sodas, diet or otherwise, we’re saying no to that, cut that out, because of all of the hidden sugars and all of the obvious sugars, because it’s not all hidden.

Then your sauces when eating out and you’ve got these different nice sauces that are added to your foods or whatever. Then you want to be careful about that, because trust me, there is some hidden sugar in that too, anything that that’s been added tastes better than it normally would, it’s got some sugar in it all right.

Another obvious no, cookies, cakes, pies, brownies, donuts, pastries. The list can go on and on and on and on it’s loaded with sugar. I cook a whole lot of baked goods that are keto friendly, using keto friendly sweeteners from brownies to muffins to cakes.

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I’ve done all kinds of cakes and I continue to lose the weight and, of course, reverse this thing of insulin resistance. So all I’m telling you is don’t fret, don’t feel like you’re giving up or missing something, you can do this!

You can still enjoy food, but remember, food is here to nourish us, to give us energy, to sustain our lives. It’s not for us to be, you know, bent out of shape about what I’m going to eat, it’s to ‘eat to live’, okay and not ‘live to eat’.

So starchy veggies, we’re covering this in another post: sweet potatoes, white potatoes, corn, peas, beets, butternut squash and carrots, in moderation, I have it on the list, but, it’s my choice, I don’t eat them.

There is so much more on this list right. There are other foods that are friendly vegetables that you can eat. Let’s, go to grains, the obvious rice, brown and white rice. I know you thought brown rice was better and that’s why you were eating it, but in this case that would be of knowing your keto journey because remember the whole reason we’re taking this journey is to reverse and improve insulin resistance, we want our body to heal from that and all the symptoms that it creates.

So we’re not in this for the short haul. We’re in this for the long haul, however long it takes. We did not get into the state of insulin resistance overnight that took years for us to get to that state.

You did not get diabetes overnight. Type 2 diabetes did not occur overnight. That took a long time to get to that state and we we need to fix that, and this is what’s going to help us.

So fried foods, deep fried foods? No you don’t want to do that! Bread, baked English muffins, pasta, bagels, breakfast cereal, oatmeal, just look at the labels that tell you how much sugar and carbs are in these foods. So you want to eliminate them.

Packaged snacks, guys, look, 75 % of sugar is hidden in packaged goods okay, 75 % of the foods that you take in packaged goods are laden with sugar from candy to pretzels, have you heard my story? I was the one addicted to the peanut M & M’s, so I had to kick that out!

No more of that candy pretzels, rice cakes, breakfast bars, Twinkies. I know I just struck a nerve with somebody reading this! Yes, the famous Twinkies, raisins, potato chips. This was another challenge for me!

I was a potato chip eater and now don’t even miss the stuff. I tell you this story. It’s a true story, sometimes, when I’m in the grocery store, when I’m shopping, I will go down in the snack aisle, I see all the potato chips, the cookies, all that stuff that’s there now and literally pick it all up, and I’ll look at it and I’ll talk to it and tell it “you don’t tell me what to do you still don’t. tell me what to do”, because now I’m not challenged about whether or not I should buy it, I just don’t anymore, it’s a funny story.

My family gets a kick out of it because I know I’ve conquered that need to have that food.

Pop-tarts, granola bars. We’re, saying no to all of that stuff. So a big whopping. No on all of these things, because we are in this to get healthy – we’re, not trying to rely on these foods and feel like we can’t give them up, oh yes we can!

Dairy products: ice cream, pudding, flavored dairy products, fruit at the bottom yogurt, that’s supposed to be so great right. No, we’re, going to give that up! Whole and skim milk have sugar in them believe it or not, so you want to take a look at that. Margarine? We do grass-fed butter on keto, so thats a no.

Okay, let’s move on to fruits. Well, you know if you read our other post that I talked about the fruits that are good on keto journey.

You would have learned that the lemons, limes and berries, raspberries, blackberries strawberries blueberries are good for you on keto. Then everything else you want to hold back on, because of the high carb content of that fruit, high carb, high sugar the lot of them.

I’m also talking about apple sauce, dried fruit, the absolute worst, so you want to avoid that. Apples, bananas, we all love them, and once you get your body back to where you want, those fruits and veggies, you can reintroduce them so keep that in mind.

If you are trying to lose a lot of weight or need to lose a lot of weight, then you want to keep your carbs low. If you don’t have weight to lose but you are on all kinds of prescription medicine and all of that, then you want to make sure your your carbs are moderate and some of these fruits will blow your carbs out and you’ll want to watch it if you are diabetic. Okay, so we’re, going to say no to these certain fruits.

Ok the last category are the beans and the legumes. Let’s look at that for a second – I know I like white beans and tortillas, I used to eat all those things, but not anymore, so we’re talking black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, lima beans, baked beans, chickpeas.

These are things that we want to eliminate in our process of healing on the keto journey, so these are the things that we don’t eat on keto, so you don’t make the mistake of grabbing something that’s not keto friendly.

It’s there for a reason, and we want to make sure your journey is successful. So there’s some stuff that would sabotage your journey and really ruin your ability to get into ketosis and lose the weight.

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