Keto Diet or Ketogenic Diet is a diet plan in which you have to eat low-carb and high-fat foods to allow your body to enter the metabolic state of Ketosis. It is a metabolic state in the human body in which the body uses fats as a fuel for producing energy instead of carbohydrates. When the body produces energy by the burning of fats, it speeds up the process of weight loss as already deposited fat also gets burned as a result of ketosis. So, the primary purpose of shifting to the Keto Diet is to achieve fast weight loss. Some people also rely on Keto Diet to maintain their healthy body weight.
However, according to recent research studies and users’ experience, Keto Diet doesn’t work for everyone. You might wonder why it is so? Let’s discuss it!
Why doesn’t the Keto Diet work for everyone?
There are many reasons why Keto Diet doesn’t work for everyone. The most prominent of them is Stress. You might be thinking that how can Stress interrupt the working of the Keto Diet? Actually, Stress is directly related to imbalanced hormones. If a person is under stress, there are very high chances that he/she is suffering from hormonal misbalancing. In a body that has imbalanced hormones, Keto Diet can’t work because the whole working principle of the Keto Diet is based on hormonal secretion.
If Your hormones are out of balance (mainly insulin, cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone), losing weight will be nearly impossible for you even if you follow Keto Diet with full dedication.
We will elaborate it further for you by taking the example of Cortisol.
As you know, Cortisol is a stress hormone and it is released in times of stress. When it is released, it also causes an increase in heart rate, blood sugar level (even without eating any sugar) muscle tension, and respiration. It also shuts down some certain body unnecessary body functions temporarily such as reproduction and digestion. This situation is not ideal for Keto Diet to work because the body cannot enter the metabolic state of Ketosis if the level of sugar stays high in the blood.
When the blood sugar level stays high, the body release insulin for it which is a fat-storing hormone that sabotages your weight loss goals.
So, stress and imbalanced hormones are two major reasons why Keto Diet doesn’t work for everyone.
There are some other common reasons the keto diet might not work for some people. We are going to discuss them here.

Why Keto Diet doesn’t work for Everyone
Common reasons why Keto Diet might not work for Some People
Eating less than enough fat
Keto Diet is all about eating high-fat and low-carb foods, so if you want to get the maximum out of it, you have to eat enough fat according to your daily allotment. Ketogenic Diet demands that you eat at least 80-90% fat. You have to consume it although it sounds high to you, to achieve your weight loss goals.
Not following the Keto Diet 100%
The reason why Keto Diet is not working for you may be the fact that you are not following it 100%. Making strategy is very important before entering this program because Keto Diet is all about dedication. You have to leave some of your favorite high-carb foods such as desserts, pasta, and bread. If you want to be successful in your diet, you need to tracking and planning all your meals.
Eating too much protein
We hate to reveal that but you have to understand that the Keto Diet is not a high-protein diet. Yes, you heard right. While on Keto, your protein consumption should be around 158-25% of your daily calories. If you eat more protein than this range, it will interfere with your Ketosis.
Overeating keto junk foods
With the increasing popularity of the Keto Diet, many keto-approved products which are also known as keto junk foods have been introduced in the market. These foods are good and healthy as long as you take them in smaller portions, but overeating them can cause interference with Ketosis.
Skipping on greens
The Keto Diet is a low-carb program. To add green foods in this plan nothing is best than non-starchy vegetables. In fact, these vegetables are recommended by many Keto diet experts. They are not just a good source of fiber, mineral, vitamins, and antioxidants, but they also help to avoid headaches and constipation, that are common among keto dieters. So, don’t skip on greens like non-starchy vegetables.
Drinking less than enough water
Water is essential for everyone no matter you are on a Keto Diet or not. However, on Keto Diet, you must have to drink enough water that can compensate for the deficiency produced by ruing and sweating. According to the research studies, you need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day while on Keto Diet.
Not eating enough filling foods
Not all calories are made equal due to which you may decide to consume your allotment of calories by taking a slice of cake, but you must ask yourself, will it keep me full? Certainly not because the cake is not a filling food. Eat filling foods that can only keep you full but also don’t interfere with ketosis.
These are some common reasons why Keto Diet doesn’t work for everyone. There is another problem with the beginner Keto Dieters that they feel it is very difficult to relinquish their normal routine. But with a few days of dedication, they can become able to carry the Keto Diet routine. There, we recommend you to stick with your Keto Diet plant with full dedication, you will start getting benefits soon. And more important always keep the aforementioned reasons in mind.
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