Keto Diet (Ketogenic Diet) is referred to as a low-carb, high-fat diet usually consumed to achieve weight loss goals. The major purpose of the Keto Diet is to achieve the metabolic state of “Ketosis” in which the body produces energy by using ketone bodies and already deposit fat as fuel. Limiting or reducing the daily carb intake is the major aspect of the Keto Diet. You have to eat high-fat foods to achieve ketosis quickly and getting a quick weight loss.
However, many people don’t know “what are the best fats to eat on Keto Diet“? In this article, we will discuss some of the best fat options which you can eat while on the Keto Diet. It is also important to remember that not all fats are good for Keto Diet. Some fats are even worse to use on Keto Diet, so you should be careful while selecting your fat options.
Best fats for Keto Diet
Here are some healthy sources of fat you can eat on the Keto Diet without any problem:
- Avocado
Avocado is considered an excellent source of heart-healthy fats. In addition to the daily requirement of fats, avocados also provide a hefty dose of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. It means you are getting both nutrition and ketosis by eating avocados. According to the research studies, avocados (and their oil) can help improving heart health. They are also involved in healthy aging and balancing the blood sugar level.
You can enjoy avocadoes in different ways such as by making guacamole out of them, adding them to salads or smoothies, and eating them as a whole. Drizzle avocado oil can be used to make keto-friendly sauces.
- Nuts
You can boost your daily intake of healthy fats by including different kinds of nuts in your daily diet. Nuts are also rich in fibers, nutrients, and plant-based proteins. Researches suggest that a high intake of nuts may involve reducing the risks of heart diseases. Some nuts have strong anti-inflammatory properties due to which they can reduce the chances of cancer and diabetes. Using nuts can also save you from respiratory illnesses.
You can include different types of nuts in your Keto Diet such as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, and pecans, etc. Almost all of these nuts are low-carb and high-fat.
- Flax seeds
Flax seeds are one of the best fats you can eat on the keto diet because they are rich in healthy omega-3 fats and fibers. Researchers suggest that flaxseed has several health-promoting compounds which are good for the body’s natural growth. According to the nutritional profile, one-quarter cup of flax seeds contains almost 7 grams of protein, 11 grams of fiber, and around about 16 grams of fat. Half of the fats present in Flax seeds are omega-3 fats.
Flaxseed oil may also reduce the risk of heart diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and diabetes. You can consume Flux seeds by adding them to smoothies, salads, and soups.
- Hemp hearts
Hemp hearts (seeds) are a nutrient-dense fat option for the keto diet containing 15 grams of fat in its three-tablespoon serving. They are a rich source of plant-based protein containing all of the nine essential amino acids. Hemp hearts also includes a variety and minerals and vitamins including vitamin E, Calcium, Potassium, and Iron. They have a mild flavor with sesame seed-like textures. For this reason, you can easily mix them in a variety of foods without changing their overall flavor.
The best way to consume Hemp’s hearts is to sprinkle them on roasted vegetables, salads, or yogurt. You can also use them in smoothies and soups.
- Fatty fish

Fatty fish like sardines, tuna, anchovies, and salmon, is a rich source of healthy fats in a ketogenic diet. These fatty fish options are a good source of high-quality protein as well. Fatty fish provides a healthy dose of omega-3 fats to your body with a substantial amount of vitamin D (a Vitamin essential for normal bone growth and health).
Bake, grill and take them with salad alongside roasted vegetables, you will get maximum minerals out of it.
- Whole eggs
An egg is a highly nutritious and versatile source of fat. It provides an easy addition to a ketogenic diet due to its ready-made nature. A single egg (50 grams) contains about 7 grams of protein and 5 grams of fats with only 80 calories. Make sure to eat the whole egg because the yolk is rich in B vitamins and potent antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein.
Whole eggs are also good for your eye health. You can eat eggs with sliced avocado and tomatoes.
- Butter
Butter is considered a perfect source of fats for the Ketogenic diet because it contains about 80% fat of its total weight. Although it was considered a menace to hear health, recent research studies have contradicted this theory. Researchers suggest that there are minor chances of a relationship between butter and health diseases. Butter also happens to be one of the richest food sources of butyrate. It contains a large concentration of short-chain fatty acids which are good for promoting brain health. Butter can be used in roast vegetables or you can use it as a topping on pancakes.
- Cheese

Cheese is another good high-fat, low-carb option for keto dieters. It is available in hundreds of varieties in the market. You can choose cheese in a wide range of options. Cheese is considered the best source of calcium and protein. Certain fermented varieties like cheddar and gouda also provide probiotics.
Enjoying cheese with slices of roasted vegetables is one of the best options in the ketogenic diet. You can use shredded cheese with salads or apply it on pieces of grilled meat. Some people also use cheese to make mushroom pizza sliders which is a keto-friendly recipe.
However, try to avoid too much use of cheese because it has a little concentration of carbohydrates as well.
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