Cheese is a dairy product, derived from the milk of goats, sheep, buffalo, or cows. Fats and protein derived from milk are the major ingredients of cheese. The history of cheese making is very long. According to an estimate, humans have made cheese for at least 7000 years. Cheese is a highly delicious food eaten worldwide. We are sure that you are a cheese lover as well. However, if you are going to start a ketogenic diet and want to eat cheese as well, this article can be really beneficial for you. Although cheese is sugar-free, low-carb, and delicious, not all cheeses are keto diet friendly. By finding a healthy cheese for Keto Diet, you can add some nutrition and variety to your daily food. But how can you find out which cheese is healthy for the keto diet and which is not? Don’t worry, our today’s article is the best solution for your problem.
In this article, you will learn about some healthy and keto diet-friendly cheeses, which you can use in your keto diet with no fear.
Best Cheese on Keto Diet
Here some of the best types of cheese that work great in a ketogenic diet:
- Goat Cheese
Goat cheese is a very healthy and nutritious cheese to eat while on a keto diet. 1 ounce (oz) of goat cheese provides only 0.2 g of carbs with 6 g of proteins. The fat content is also very high in Goat cheese (7g/oz). As Goat cheese contains only a few grams of carbs, it is best to use it in a ketogenic diet. In addition, this cheese is made of goat milk which naturally contains less lactose (the natural sugar present in milk) and easily digestible protein in comparison with cow’s milk.
- Blue Cheese
Just like stinky cheeses, Blue cheese is full of flavor with very few grams of carbohydrates (0.6 g/oz). A small crumble of Blue Cheese contains only 32 calories and 2 g of protein with 2.5 g of fat. This nutritional profile makes Blue cheese fit for the ketogenic diet.
- Cream Cheese
Cream Cheese is the favorite cheese of many people on a keto diet. Some people love cream cheese because of its high-fat nature. You can imagine this thing from the fact that only one small tablespoon of Cream Cheese contains 5 grams of fat! That makes it a perfect cheese for the keto diet. However, the protein contents are considerably low in Cream cheese in comparison to other keto-friendly cheeses. Cream cheese contains only 2.8 g of carbs per tablespoon with 1 g of protein. You can add Cream cheese in snacks and meals in the keto diet from more fats.
- Parmesan Cheese
Grated Parmesan Cheese is known for its salty and nutty flavor. It can add delicious flavor to different foods in the ketogenic diet. One tablespoon of Parmesan cheese contains 0.9 g of carbs, 1.8 g of protein, and only 26 calories. The fat contents in one tablespoon of Parmesan cheese are around 1.7 g. The best use of Parmesan cheese is in the keto diet-friendly salads such as Caesar salads.
- Halloumi Cheese
Halloumi Cheese is also known as “grilling cheese” because you can grill it! It is pretty hard and doesn’t melt easily. It means you can use Halloumi cheese in a culinary sense a lot like meat. The best use of Halloumi Cheese is in the summer menu. The nutritional values of Halloumi cheese are just fantastic for the keto diet. One ounce of Halloumi Cheese contains only 0-1 grams of carbs, 6 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fat. You can also use it in grilled skewers along with vegetables (low-carb) and meat. Tossing some grill slices of Halloumi cheese over keto-friendly salad with olive oil and fresh tomatoes is not a bad idea.
- Feta Cheese
Feta Cheese is made of goat’s milk and for this reason, it is easily digestible and easier on the stomach. It is one of the best replacements for cow’s milk cheese. According to the nutritional value of Feta Cheese, its quarter cup (1/4) contains only 1.5 grams of carbs with no fibers. It means it contains 1.5 grams of net carbs with 6 grams of fat and 4 grams of protein. You can use it in keto-friendly burgers and salads.
- Brie Cheese
Brie Cheese is really high in fat just like cream cheese. It is melty and delicious due to which you can use it on any ketogenic food. One ounce of Brie Cheese contains 0.1 grams of carbs, 8 g of fats, and 6 g of protein. Eating Brie cheese with slices of hard sausages in the form of snacks or appetizers in a ketogenic diet is the best idea.
- Gruyere Cheese
Gruyere cheese is highly delicious. Its best combination is with eggs. Gruyere cheese contains almost 0 grams of carbs which makes it a keto-friendly cheese. One ounce of Gruyere cheese contains only 0.1 grams of carbs, 9 grams of fat, and 8.5 grams of protein. You can use it with egg dishes, frittatas, egg bakes, and oven omelets.
- Romano Cheese
Romano cheese is tasty, hard, and used in places of Parmesan cheese. The best combination of Romano cheese is with Italian foods and salads. Romano cheese is lower in carbs making it keto diet-friendly. A quarter-cup serving of shredded Romano cheese contains only 1 gram of carbs with 7 grams of fat and 9 grams of protein. You can use Romano cheese in low-carb “pasta” made with spaghetti squash. Sprinkling it over Paleo pizza is another good idea.
All of these cheeses are keto diet-friendly and you can use them in a moderate amount with other keto diet foods.
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