Low-Carb vegetables are one of the major foods for the Keto Diet. In Keto Diet, you can eat those vegetables which are low in carbohydrates but high in proteins and other essential minerals. However, choosing such vegetables which are not only low-carb but also rich in minerals and vitamins is a somewhat tricky task. But don’t worry, we are making it very easy for you. We have summarized a list of some of the Best Vegetables which you can eat on the Keto Diet. These vegetables are high in fiber and contain only 150 grams of carbs per day (in 20 grams serving).
Best Vegetables to Eat for Keto Diet
- Broccoli
Broccoli is a superfood in the true sense. It belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family which includes, cabbage and radishes. According to the research studies, Broccoli is a very good vegetable for the Keto diet because it may decrease insulin resistance. For this reason, it is also helpful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It can protect the body against several ailments like Cancer.
You can take one cup (around about 100 grams) of raw broccoli every day which contains only 6 grams of carbs. This one cup of Broccoli is enough to meet 100% of the RDI for Vitamin K and C.
- Asparagus
Asparagus is a very delicious vegetable, particularly in the spring season. The Carbohydrates contents are very low in Asparagus. One cup of cooked Asparagus (around about 180 grams) contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates. Apart from low-carb natures, Asparagus is also a rich source of Vitamins (A, C, and K). According to test-tube studies, it has a strong ability to restrict the growth of cancer cells in mice. It is also helpful in reducing anxiety and maintaining brain health.
- Mushrooms
Mushrooms contain only 2 grams of carbohydrates in 70 grams serving (one cup) which makes them the best vegetable for the Keto Diet. They are very helpful in reducing inflammation and various metabolic syndrome.
- Zucchini
Zucchini is usually taken as a summer squash by many people. This summer squash is with soft skin and a long body. It is also taken as winter squash with different shapes. The best thing about eating Zucchini in Keto Diet is that it contains only 3 grams of digestible carbs per serving. It is also high in Vitamin C.
- Spinach
Spinach is a leafy green vegetable with multiple health benefits. Several research studies have reported that it can help in reducing damage to DNA. It may also decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases and eye diseases like muscular degeneration and cataracts. What’s more, you want in this God-gifted vegetable! It is also a natural source of several minerals and vitamins. 180 grams of Spinach which is equal to one cup, contains 10 times the RDI for Vitamin K. Spinach is very low in carbohydrates as well.
- Avocados
Avocado is technically a fruit, but people take it as a vegetable due to its low-carb nature. It is very delicious and unique food to eat during Keto Diet. One cup of chopped avocados (150 grams) contains only 13 grams of carbs. The concentration of Oleic Acid is very high in Avocados. Oleic Acid is a monosaturated fat that is highly beneficial for the overall health of the body.
Several independent research studies have found that avocados help in lowering LDL cholesterol. They are also rich in Vitamin C, potassium, and folate. As you know the main purpose of the Keto Diet is to achieve rapid weight loss. Luckily, Avocados can efficiently help you in achieving this goal. They produce the feeling of belly fullness due to which a person has less desire to eat over a long period of time.
- Cauliflower
Cauliflower is not only a low-carb vegetable but also versatile and delicious. Due to its very mild taste, you can use it as a substitute for rich, high-carb foods and potatoes. One cup of raw cauliflowers (100 grams) contains only 5 grams of carbs. It can provide 77% of the RDI for Vitamin C. Cauliflower can reduce the risk factors of heart disease and cancer like other cruciferous vegetables.
- Green Beans
Green Beans are also called snap beans or string beans sometimes. They belong to the legume family like lentils and beans. However, the concentration of Carbohydrates is very much lower than most of the legumes. One cup of cooked Green Beans which is equal to 125-grams contains only 10 grams of carbohydrates with 4 grams of fibers.
According to the research studies, Green Beans are helpful in protection against cancer because of the high concentration of chlorophyll present in them. In addition to chlorophyll, there are certain carotenoids present in them that are associated with improved brain functioning during aging.
- Lettuce
Among the lowest-carb vegetables, Lettuce is more prominent. There are only 2 grams of carbs with 1 gram of fiber in one cup of Lettuce (47 grams). There are different types of Lettuce. Most of them are rich in certain vitamins. For example, the dark-green varieties of Lettuce are rich in Vitamin A, C, and K. These varieties are high in folate as well. Folate can decrease the levels of homocysteine (a compound that is involved in increasing the risk of heart diseases.
- Tomatoes
Tomatoes are highly popular among people due to their impressive health benefits. They are technically fruits like avocados but people take them as vegetables. The concentration of digestible carbs is very low in tomatoes. There are only 6 grams of carbs with 2 grams of fibers in one cup of cherry tomatoes (149 grams). Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K. Besides, they are a major source of many essential minerals like potassium and zinc which help reduce blood pressure and decrease stroke risk.
According to some research studies, tomatoes can strengthen the endothelial cells which are present in the lining of arteries. They are high in lycopene content (a chemical compound that can help in preventing prostate cancer).
These are some best vegetables which you can eat for Keto Diet. You can also eat the following vegetables if you want:
- Radishes
- Onions
- Eggplant
- Cabbage
- Artichokes
Thank You very much for reading!