As you know the Keto Diet (Ketogenic diet) is a low-carb, high-fat diet used by a large population for achieving quick weight loss. The most significant aspect of the keto diet is the careful planning of the food you eat. You have to stick within your daily carbohydrates allotment if you want to achieve the metabolic state of Ketosis. You can’t eat any of the high-carb food in the keto diet because it can disturb the state of Ketosis. This is true for high-carb drinks as well.
Many wine-lover ask the question frequently “Can we drink wine on a keto diet?” Well, if you also looking for the answer to this question, don’t stop reading. If we want to answer this question in short words, it will be “YES”! You can drink wine on a keto diet because it is a low-carb drink. Some experts considered Wine as a keto-diet-friendly drink as well because it contains very low carbohydrate content. Wine is actually an alcoholic drink made of fermented grape juice and for this reason, it does not contain any artificial sugar. So, you can have a glass of wine daily even while on Keto Diet.
However, you must have to know how to drink wine on the Keto Diet first. For the sake of your convenience, we are going to discuss a step-by-step guide by following which you will be able to drink wine without disturbing the metabolic state of Ketosis in your body.
How to drink wine on the ketogenic diet?
As we mentioned earlier, you can drink wine on a ketogenic diet, but it doesn’t mean that you can drink any wine. Binge drinking is also not a good option. Mindfulness and balance are key to drinking wine on the keto diet. We are recommending you to follow the below-given tips to get started:
- Choose a Low-Carb Wine
If you want to drink wine on a ketogenic diet without disturbing ketosis, research for a low-carb type of wine. It will not only fulfill your craving for wine but also promote the process of ketosis. The wine you choose should have no added sugar. That’s the only and must-have feature in the wine you select. While purchasing a bottle of wine, don’t forget to read its ingredients to make sure that it has no added sugar. We would like to recommend two low-carb types of wine including Red Wine and White Wine. Both Red Wine and White Wine contain 3-4 grams of net carbs per serving. That’s why they are keto-friendly and good to drink on the keto diet. Try not to mix the low-carb wine with any other alcoholic drink because it can introduce added sugar.
- Moderation is key
Although wine is a keto-friendly drink, that doesn’t mean you should make it a regular part of your routine. According to the research studies, even low-carb wine varieties contain empty calories. It means they can supply many calories with little to no essential nutrients to your body and slow down the weight loss process. According to another research study, overconsumption of wine increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies over time with a gradual weight gain.
So, what should be the best serving of wine for you? Well, the recommended size of each serving per day is around about 5 ounces (148 ml). It is also important to remember that the wine you consume on the keto diet, should be low in alcohol because high alcohol can supply more calories to the body. If you are drinking low-alcohol, low-carb wine, you can add an extra glass of wine without hitting your daily carb count. There is nothing to worry about in this regard. However, if your wine is high in alcohol, drink it in a moderate amount.
- Don’t indulge yourself in drinking
Drinking wine moderately is very important for so many reasons. Once your wine consumption passes a certain limit, you can lose the benefits you are getting from it. You can even start feeling the damaging effects of wine after this limit. That’s one of the major reasons why you should not binge drink.
The second reason for not binge drinking (especially for keto dieters) is the too many carbs entering the body. Although, wine is a low-carb drink but still, supplies a significant amount of carbs to the body. In this situation, it will be harder for you to lose weight constantly.
- Avoid drinking alcohol with wine
If you are drinking wine on the keto diet, avoid drinking alcohol because it can affect the ketosis process in the body. Under the effect of Ketosis, your liver is busy converting fat into ketones. However, on consuming alcohol, the focus of the liver diverts and it starts metabolizing alcohol instead of fat conversion. So, alcohol slows down the process of ketosis in the liver. However, after finishing the metabolism, your liver starts focusing on the conversion of fat into ketone again.
Because of this, individuals who want to lose weight quickly should avoid consuming alcohol. On the other hand, wine does not produce many metabolites and easy execrable by the body.
You can drink wine on a keto diet but you have to consume it moderately. Red Wine and White Wine are the best wine types to consume on Keto Diet. The best serving size of wine is 5 Oz daily while on Keto Diet. Try to consume low-carb and low-alcoholic wine to avoid disturbance in the process of ketosis.