Here are the questions you (or your good friends)asked via the Instagram Stories box @RunEatRepeat. Because IG stories are only up for 24 hours and my highlights are packed– this is the very best way to save the responses and information for you to find later on. I’ll link to any items I discuss under the concern so it’s easy to find.
If you have a question (or follow up concern)– Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and see my stories. I put up a question box a couple of times a week.
QUestions covered today:
- What’s the BEST Dry Shampoo
- What do you place on your eyelashes
- What’s the sitch with Ben
- What skin care items do you utilize
- What do you drink (besides seltzer)
- Are you doing any races in Northern California
- Can I pet Diego
@RunEatRepeat Instagram Story Questions:
Note … A few of the questions I answered by means of video. Then, I realized it wasn’t easy to conserve 15 2nd clips on a blog post … so I started to answer via text in the story. I’m sharing the ones I addressed through text listed below. If I addressed a question by means of video and you missed the answer OR desire links to what I mentioned– simply ask again in my stories @RunEatRepeat on Instagram
What’s the very best dry hair shampoo?
I love Batiste Dry Hair shampoo in the scent– Coconut and Exotic Tropical.
I think the very best one for hair that’s a little bit more oily (or sweaty) is Aveda Dry Shampoo aka Shampure
What do you put on your lashes? I swear by THIS Maybelline Colossal Mascara See my Instagram Reels for a Quick Before and After using that mascara I like HERE. What would you inform your 18 year old self?(video answer)Are you and Ben back together?
(video answer)
However … I got a lot more questions like this, so I updated it with a text answer: Do you Drink Sodas at
all? I simply drink water however require something else. I’m not a sparkling water fan. I LIKE seltzer & have a
Soda Stream so I consume a lot of sparkling water.And I also drink … What Skin Care Products Do You Utilize? Advice for GI Issues
While Running?
Do you still consume filthy grapes ?? Can I pet Diego? Yes. Diego LIVES for animals. Are you going to run a race in Northern California?< img src="//'%20viewBox='0%200%20338%20600'%3E%3C/svg%3E"alt="Run Eat Repeat Race Northern California"width=" 338"height= "600"/ > Got a Question ?? Ask in my Instagram
Story Box– @RunEatRepeat Instagram Source