How much Protein in a Keto Diet?

The Ketogenic or Keto Diet is a low-carb diet that contains a low concentration of carbohydrates and a high concentration of fats and proteins. People in Keto Diet, eat those foods which contain low carbohydrates and high fats and protein contents. Many doctors and experts focus only on fat contents in the Keto Diet and do not pay so much attention to Protein Contents. But when we take a look at the Keto Diet from a Scientific perspective, the protein contents are equally important as fat contents. 

Many people who are on Keto Diet, do not aware of the right concentration of proteins that they should eat in the Keto Diet. For this reason, they can’t get maximum benefits from the Ketogenic diet. In our today’s article, we will guide you about how much protein you should take in Keto Diet. We will also discuss some of the best protein foods which you can eat in the Keto Diet.

What is the exact amount of Protein you should eat in the Keto Diet?

Researches are ongoing to evaluate the exact amount of protein that can be helpful in achieving the state of Ketosis. Up till now, the researchers have reported that a higher intake of protein can be very helpful in decreasing the appetite and cravings. A high amount of protein can also improve body composition. Protein is also helpful in the preservation of lean mass when you take fewer calories in the Keto Diet. 

In the modern Keto Diet composition which is commonly used for weight loss, roughly 80% of calories come from fats which only 5% calories from carbohydrates. The rest of the calories come from Proteins. In fact, each gram of protein supplies four calories. 

The exact amount of protein you should eat in the Keto Diet is actually according to your energy requirements. The protein contents in the Keto Diet should be in such an amount that they can supply 20-30% of the total energy. From this concept, you can calculate an ideal amount of protein for you. 

For example, if you need 1000 calories per day, your protein intake should be 70-100 grams from which you can get 200-300 calories.

There is another way through which you can determine an ideal requirement of protein for you. It is your muscle mass. It is due to the fact that proteins are the building blocks of all the muscles in the body. In our recommendation, you should take roughly one gram of protein per pound of your muscle mass. This concentration of protein will be perfect for supporting your lean mass.

Can you eat too much protein in Keto Diet?

It the assumption of some people and experts that a large concentration of proteins can interfere in the process of achieving the state of Ketosis by the body because proteins can metabolize into carbohydrates like sugar. However, this assumption is not approved by scientific researches and studies.

In fact, there is no proof of the relation between protein intake and the state of ketosis in many of the research studies on the Keto Diet. You are the ability to achieve ketosis is actually based on the concentration of carbohydrates that you consume daily. This ability also depends on how many grams of fats you take daily. 

So, in our recommendation, you should only consume 30 grams of protein per meal which will be very helpful for your body to get maximum benefits from the Keto Diet.

Best Protein Foods to eat in Keto Diet

Now, you have basic knowledge about the exact concentration of Proteins that you can eat in the Keto Diet, we would like to discuss some of the best protein foods to eat on Keto. These foods will help you in meeting the protein requirements of your body on Keto.

  • Lean Meat

Lean Meat can be the best source of Protein. This type of meat is actually lower in fats. Although, this type of meat is not recommended in the Keto Diet usually, but it can still very helpful in preserving your lean mass. Actually, all the fat is not equal at all. Some saturated fats are high cholesterol which is a big cause of cardiovascular diseases. The same is true for processed red meat like sausage and bacon. This type of meat can be a big reason for colon cancer.

On the other hand, Grass-fed meat containing protein tends to be leaner which has less saturated fat overall. The fatty acid composition is also perfect in such types of meats. 

In Lean Meat, you can make choice among the following animals:

  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Ostrich
  • Quail
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Bison
  • ElK
  • Lamb 
  • Goat 
  • Rabbit
  • Fatty Seafoods

Fatty Seafoods are a nutritious and protein-dense food choice. Such types of seafoods contain a high amount of good fats. Fatty Seafoods are also rich in Omega 3-fatty acids which is essential for brain health improvement and treatment of Diabetes.

You can make choice among the following seafoods:

  • Salmon
  • Anchovies
  • Tuna
  • Basa 
  • Sea Bass 
  • Pollock
  • Snapper
  • Trout
  • Squid
  • Oysters
  • Octopus
  • Dairy Products (Low Fats)

Low-fat Dairy Products contain a low amount of saturated fats and for this reason, they are healthy for the body. Several low-fat Dairy Products are available in the market now from which you can meet your protein requirements during the Keto Diet. These Diary Products include:

  • Low Fat Milk
  • Low Fat Cottage Cheese
  • Low Fat Greek Yogurt
  • Low Fat Cheddar Cheese
  • Eggs 
  • Egg whites


From the above discussion, you can easily deduce that you have to calculate the exact amount of protein with the help of your energy requirements and lean mass. You can follow our recommendations as well. But it is better to consult with your doctor first. We have discussed some of the best protein-containing foods which are very helpful for you in meeting your protein requirements of the body.

Thank You very much for reading the article!

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