Hey there!! My family commemorated Easter late this year so I have a fast wrap-up of the festivities and this weekend’s RUN, EAT and RRR-LISTEN(did you think I was going to say repeat?). Thanks to all the time I spend running and walking Diego (and maybe because I just have 1 good friend)… I spend TONS of time listening to audiobooks and podcasts. And I like sharing my suggestions so you don’t squander your time with shows or books I ‘d say skip. So I’m going to start evaluating that in my run reports too. Let’s go.
A couple of years ago my SIL presented confetti eggs to my family as part of the Easter Egg Hunt. Prior to that we had the usual plastic eggs with candy and the periodic hard-boiled egg. The very first year she brought them was additional amusing because it was a total surprise and then all of a sudden you hear a noise and get showered with confetti.
Now everyone in my household is prepared and trying to find the confetti eggs more than the sweet ones!
Even Diego attempted to wrestle BIG confetti egg from me … Okay, I understand it doesn’t look that big in the photo, but this is a Giant Confetti Egg. I scored this at the 99 Cent Shop the night prior to. It remained in a 2 pack of GIANT Confetti Eggs and something
I ‘d never ever seen before. And it was really 3x bigger than the other eggs however
attempted to shake it off as much as possible– it still sticks with ya. It was on the floor, in the toilet, on the bed, even on the canine!! Okay, it was on the canine because I smashed one over his stunning furry head. However don’t worry– no pets were damaged in the making of this blog post.
Actually, it was the opposite of harmful since Golden Retrievers are excellent family animals and Diego def believes he belongs to the fam. He would’ve felt overlooked if I didn’t do it!!
< img src ="// www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20500%20500'%3E%3C/svg%3E "alt =" Red Golden Retriever Easter"width ="500"height =" 500
“/ >
I didn’t take any photos of the food at our lil
fiesta though … since I was so busy choosing confetti out of it! Joking. We consumed before the hunt celebrations, I was simply hectic helping my mommy get things ready. It was my siblings and nieces so we took turns playing with the women and getting the food ready. However I do have a very Monican food image for you … Recently someone asked in Insta Stories if I still consume dirty grapes(see that post
for the answer). If I don’t clean my grapes you may think that I also do not clean any other fruits or veggies. And if that was your guess– you were right! Your reward is the satisfaction of thinking correctly in a 50/50 scenario. Congrats. Seriously though … I do not normally wash romaine unless it looks filthy. And I feel like lately I haven’t gotten a pack of unclean romaine for a while. So I didn’t truly discover this pack was dirty until I was chopping it and discovered the real rock that formed the Grand Canyon in my lettuce
.< img src ="https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce-600x600.png 600w, https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce-650x650.png 650w, https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce-150x150.png 150w, https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce-768x768.png 768w, https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce-400x400.png 400w, https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce-640x640.png 640w, https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Running-Blog-dirty-lettuce.png 1080w" alt="unclean lettuce food blog site "width="500"height="500 "/ > Lucky for me (and the next-door neighbors that wouldn’t
heard my screams and been traumatized) I found this prior to tossing it in my salad. Thank God. (… realizing that’s a phrase I need to’ve said previously in a post about Easter!)
So, I’ll be washing my romaine for the next number of weeks until I forget this taken place. In happier food news … I was yearning a donut soooooooo much last week. I kept thinking about it at random times when it wasn’t practical to get a donut so I ‘d tell myself I ‘d get one the next day. And I finally did. Completion.
Mentioning completion … I simply completed the book’ It Ends With United States’ and want to talk about it. Have you read it? I actually am thinking about beginning or signing up with a virtual book club due to the fact that whenever I end up a book I wish to talk about it. And I had a lot of huge feelings about this one. The review will be up later this week.
Today on the run I listened to The Crime Writers On podcast about the Varsity Blues documentary and the Today Explained podcast about Cicadas.
The Criminal activity Writers On podcast evaluations (primarily) real crime podcasts, documentaries, films and series (often they cover a drama series like the one they recommended that provided me such a bad night fear that I’m pretty sure my ex and I are both distressed by years later on).
Anyhow. I like their program when they do not talk about anything scary. If you like real crime podcasts– check it out.
When I returned home that episode was over so I chose to listen to something a little much shorter while I extended and chose Today Explained. They cover extremely intriguing, random topics … like Cicadas. I was just curious since I do not know anything about them.
Caution– Do not listen while running because they have a couple of audio clips that sound like a substantial bug is crawling from one side of you to the other. It wouldn’t be a lil too much while running outside. I’m grateful I was extending!
Warning Part 2– Cicadas are can be found in Might!!! So if you live in Cicada-ville (aka somewhere that Cicadas live)– head’s up that they’ll be going to very soon.
I reside in Southern California and there aren’t Cicadas here but I’m constantly really curious about all things New England due to the fact that it seems so various and far. For example, I heard they have rain that gets so cold it relies on ice!!?! Wild.
Since listening to this 1 podcast about Cicadas I’m pretty much a professional, so LMK if you have any concerns about them.
Today I discovered … You can eat Cicadas and they offered some tips on how to collect them and cook them.
However I’m not going to judge since I nearly ate a clump of dirt bigger than any cicada!!! Please let me understand if you see one or eat one or go on a kept up one.
Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for everyday Running and Eating Enjoyable!
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