What you consume after your run can straight affect your efficiency. If you want to get the most out of your training– make it a concern to rehydrate and refuel quickly after every exercise. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy or time consuming to prepare either. Today I’m sharing a list of fast and simple ideas to get you started. LMK if you have any concerns.
On this post: 15 Foods to Consume After You Run AND a list of 7 Post-Run Fuel Recipes that I have actually made and love. Similar to all things running and eating– every body is various. So what works for one runner might not be the very best for you.
Take note. Remember in your running log. Practice your fueling during training. And after that utilize that information to adjust as needed to get the most out of the training strategy.
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Consume enough water– Hydration is an essential piece of recovery. Despite the fact that we’re talking about food today– just wanted to remind ya this is essential. The combination of a carbohydrate rich treat with protein AND the fast timing=will help you recover by replenishing your glycogen stores. And including some protein might help avoid soreness and fatigue. [Michael J. Saunders 2018]
One simple to get drink that fits that combo of carbs and protein is chocolate milk. [Jason Karp 2006] I interviewed Karp for the Run Eat Repeat Podcast episode 112.
A great deal of common breakfast foods fit the wanted mostly carbs plus some protein combination. Believe … cereal & milk, granola & yogurt, french toast– okay, now I’m getting starving. Essentially, it doesn’t have to be complicated and a few of your existing snacks and meals may be working fantastic already.
Make certain you pay attention to how you feel before, during and after you run and keep a great log. This will help you learn from what’s working and not working to run better, much faster, stronger and strike your goals.
Here’s a list of 15 easy to get or make treats and meals that lots of runners consume after an exercise. If you follow a lot of runners on instagram– you’ve probably seem a lot of these food pics currently!
- Chocolate Milk– listen to the Run Consume Repeat podcast episode Yogurt and Granola String and Crackers Eggs & English Muffin Protein & Fruit Healthy Smoothie Protein Pancakes Turkey Sandwich Cottage Cheese and fruit Crackers & Tuna Salad Rice and Over-easy Egg Cereal and milk Oatmeal w protein powder (or egg whites)
- Homemade Granola Bar
- Overnight Oats
- Pasta & lean turkey
This list is indicated to offer you ideas to develop your finest post-run nutrition strategy. You can switch out your preferred carb or protein for the tips. For example, utilizing meatless crumbles or lean ground beef rather of lean turkey or similar.
Nutrition is a vital part of getting the most out of your athletic potential. And it needs to be stabilized with your health, goals, concerns and taste choices.
And if you feel like your nutrition is negatively impacting your physical or psychological health– see a signed up dietician that focuses on sports nutrition AND/OR a therapist specializing in consuming conditions.
- Quick French Toast Dish Strawberry Shortcake Overnight Oats Dish
- Banana Nut Smoothie Recipe
- Steel Cut Oats in the Rice Cooker Light Hash Brown Casserole Recipe PB&J Shake Dish
- Easy Chili Relleno Casserole Recipe 3 Active Ingredient Banana Pancakes Dish (among RER’s leading dishes)
- Easy French Toast Waffles Recipe
More Run Resources and Information:
Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for more updates and enjoyable!
* Always contact your doctor(s) before attempting any new diet or workout regimen. *
Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5872751/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16676705/
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